Saturday, October 16, 2010

Introducing Eva Monet (Jiawan) Baltes

It's been 17 days since we received the referral call for our daughter, Jiawan Bo, and saw her face for the first time.  After waiting for so many years, it's a bit surreal to open up an email, click on a link, type in a password and prepare yourself to see your child's face for the very first time; in two-dimensional form none-the-less.  The realization that this is the child you've spoken of and prayed for, long before she was even born, brings a mixture of emotions.    

Since then, we've learned that this sweet little baby is from Jiangxi Province, an absolutely beautiful area in the southeastern part of China.  Born on December 12th of 2009, it is reported to us that she is healthy and strong.  

Her American name will be Eva Monet Baltes with Jiawan retained as a 2nd middle name on all legal documentation.  Several people have asked about her name.  

  • Eva:  Chosen in honor of Grandma Baltes.  She was a wonderful woman who reflected God's love and kindness daily.  We have special memories of playing games, laughing, and great visits together.  Someone else pointed out that EVA is also a part of TrEVA which also honors the name chosen by my parents.
  • Monet:  As in the painter, Monet, we want our daughter to grow up understanding that she is a reflection of her Creator.  She is beautiful because of Him.  We will encourage her to discover how God has designed her in a unique way.  
Thanks everyone for sharing in this special time.  We will have additional updates and photos to post soon.


  1. David and Treva, I love your new baby's name--it's beautiful. I'm so excited for all of you. Eva will be so blessed that she has YOU two for her parents. Can't wait to see more pictures and read about her as it gets closer and then when you actually get to take your daughter home with you. God is good. I'll continue to pray that things go smoothly with the paperwork, travel, etc. and Eva is home with you for Christmas.

    Love you guys,

  2. David and Treva, I love that you are using EVA for your daughter's name. I always loved my Mom's middle name and would have loved to use it one day too. How special. Thank you!

    We are excited about all that is happening! Praying for you! Love, U. Bob and A. Bette Sue

  3. Wow!!! This is just a beautiful name! We are so excited for you guys! Enjoy this time of celebration-it is truly magical! What a testimony of God's faithfulness and perfect timing. We know this has been a long time coming, you will be amazing parents! We hope to come see you this summer and meet your beautiful daughter. Praise the Lord!
    The Corlews

  4. David and Treva, Shelly and I are so excited for you guys. I Eva is such a lucky girl to have you guys as parents. I am so happy for you both, but just as happy for her. God has blessed your faithfulness and honored you both with His blessing. We can't wait to see more pictures and hear more about the Baltes addition and your progress.

  5. So excited for you guys! The name is just precious. Love it.

  6. I'm so glad you're blogging this so we can keep up with all the excitement. Eva Monet is a beautiful name that reflects your tastes and values perfectly. Congrats!

  7. Love the name. And I love that now we can put a face to the name! Thanks for starting this blog. I'm looking forward to keeping up with your journey!

  8. I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am for you. You are about to move forward on an awesome journey! We still keep our blog going so we can share everything with Grace. Check it out to see some recent photos of her! Can't wait to follow your journey!

    Kyley, Greg, and Grace

  9. A beautiful name for what surely is (and will continue to grow as) a beautiful girl. She is so blessed to have you longing, praying and waiting for her. Love that I get to follow along ;)

  10. To say we are thrilled is an understatement! Thanks everyone for your love, support, and prayers as we continue on this journey to finally meet our daughter. We are deeply grateful for each and every one of you. : )
