Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hello Dr. Amy! I'm wearing red today.

Little Miss Eva weighed in @ 15.15 lb and just over 26 inches.  She's definitely a little thing for having such a voracious appetite!  A picky eater we do not have!  (yeah)  The Pediatrician was very pleased with Eva's initial check-up and we are so thankful.  We will return in the next few weeks to begin a plan of care for her.

We have been so blessed by friends in the Charlotte area.  We have received numerous adorable 'gently used clothing' that are just too cute.  There is something very special to me as I think of the other  precious children who have worn these clothes.  I have been very touched by the thoughtfulness of families as they have shared such pretty things with Eva Monet.  I thought this outfit was so, so sweet when a girlfriend gave it to me right after our referral.  It was an outfit her daughter had outgrown and I had my doubts that Eva would ever be able to wear it, but I was hoping...  How pleasantly surprised I was when I was dressing her for her first visit to meet her Pediatrician, Dr. Amy, and found that it fit!   I think she looks really cute.

Red in China represents Happiness.   While this appears to be Eva's contemplative look, perhaps she overheard that we were getting ready to go to the Pediatrician.   ; )


  1. Glad to know she's healthy. Anna was just half a pound heavier at one year...she was rather small too!

    I'm so glad and appreicative that our kids aren't picky..the rule has always been you'll eat what is prepared for you. And we stick to it, but it's never been an issue!

  2. Well, I hadn't checked your blog in a while and today I logged on to find sweet Eva Monet in your arms! I smiled, cried and enjoyed all the pictures. CONGRATULATIONS! This is guaranteed to be one magical Christmas for you guys!

  3. HI, so happy for all of you. She is so beautiful and so tiny for 1 yr. old. Jen was 17 lbs. and that was small. You all look so happy and maybe tired too. I am glad you are home. Will you come for Christmas? WE can't wait to see you.
