Saturday, December 25, 2010

Our First Christmas: Simply Special

Our first Christmas with Eva.

No spoiling except for loads of kisses and hugs, tickles and time together.  With only a few presents under the tree, mostly from Auntie Shelly & Uncle Bob, it was Simply Special.  We are fully aware that there could be no greater gift than what Christ did for us.  And in our house, no more special present than a little girl that traveled so far to come home.  It's quite magical.  To look in her eyes, to hear her sweet little voice, to listen to her laugh and see her dimpled smile...  She is doing so very well and we are truly blessed. 

Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas.


1 comment:

  1. I hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas! You got the perfect gift! Love, Erin
