Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 10 & 11: Guangzhou


Eva passed her medical exams with flying colors with all 3 Chinese doctors.  They were quick and efficient, which was good since the medical clinic filled up with many waiting families.  It was total chaos!  Thankfully our guides from AWAA are very experienced and knew to go early.  We were the first group to arrive.

Guangzhou is a beautiful modern city in south China.  It is also the location for the US Consulate, so all US adoptions are processed here.  Bad News:  More Paperwork!  Good News:  It’s a great place to spend some time while waiting for Eva’s US Passport and the final stage in the on-site adoption process. 


Today was a beautiful day to enjoy the outdoors.  We visited shops located around the White Swan Hotel and enjoyed interacting with the people, shopping, and eating outside.  Eva demonstrates a real love for the outdoors and seemed perfectly content to be carried all around by her Daddy.   It was a special day as everyone around seemed to be soaking up the sunshine.

Eva continues to get to know us.  We are having a lot of fun together, but continue to need more sleep as she wakes up throughout the night and during naptime.  We are definitely tired.  Treva is fighting a cold and not feeling her best, but all in all, we are well and deeply grateful for this sweet baby girl.  Thank you for your prayers on our behalf and the supportive emails, FB posts, etc.    We hope you enjoy today’s photos. 


  1. Loving your pics. I think we ate at the same outdoor restaurant. Honestly, we have the exact same picture. Too funny. Be sure to get your "Red Couch" photo at the White Swan. Are they still giving out the "Going Home Barbie" at the White Swan?

    I did my best shopping in Guangzhou. I had matching dresses for Rachel and I made. I bought her chinese dresses and outfits in every size until she's grown. I positively LOVED the squeaky shoes. I wish I had bought more of them in incremental sizes.

    Be prepared to help her adjust her sleep schedule once she gets home to the U.S. That was a very difficult transition for Rachel, and for me as well since I was so jet-lagged, and then up half the night working to help her.

  2. And don't forget that awesome Italian restaurant, over by the river.... Mmmm, better than some of the yummiest I've had, even as an Italian :) And find Jordan's shop - great prices, very adoption family friendly and sooo solicitous. Quite a character too. I think it's called "Jordan's" - down the alleyways across from Lucy's. Lucy's is fun, too!

    Will pray for the sleep issues - we had some similar difficulty with Aidan once we were home. I felt like a zombie so much of that first winter we had her. Email or call me if you want.

    Hugs to you all - soak in the fun in GZ.
